Kürzlich gab Raymond Deux, President und CEO von NinjaTrader LLC, den Entwicklungsstand des NinjaTrader7 Beta bekannt. In diesem Zusammenhang verwies er ebenfalls auf eine verzögerte Markteinführung, welche nun für September 2009 vorgesehen sei.
Ninjatrader 7 Features
Wenn man die Features-Liste des NinjaTrader7 genauer durchsieht, dann sollte dem Anwender zukünftig einiges an Mehrkomfort geboten werden.
Weitere Anbindungsmöglichkeiten des NinjaTrader – siehe <tf1> individual lösungen
Nachfolgend die komplette Stellungnahme von CEO Raymond Deux:
Dear NinjaTrader Users and Partners:
I want to start this note by first thanking you for being so passionate about your use of NinjaTrader. NinjaTrader has grown substantially in the last 5 years and a large part of our growth has come from the fervent grass roots support we get from you our valued clients and partners. The passion you have shown is shared by the entire NinjaTrader team and has driven us to continually improve and expand NinjaTrader’s functionality from an innovative order entry application I created in 2003 to the complete end-to-end trading platform you see today.
With past major releases, we have done a reasonable job with setting schedules, communicating information and meeting delivery dates but specific to NinjaTrader 7 (NT7) we have not executed at a level neither you nor I would expect and that is why I am writing today. It is accurate to say that we significantly underestimated the engineering effort behind NT7 while simultaneously failing to communicate any information to you.
I know many of you are upset with our lack of communication relative to the progress and details of NT7. One main reason for this is we did not want to provide a list of prospective features and enhancements to later pull these items due to either technical issues or time to market considerations. We have learned from this experience and realize going forward we must and will do a better job at keeping you informed. The rest of this note will focus on the current status of NT7.
NinjaTrader 7 is our most ambitious project to date and regrettably the beta version will not be released at the end of this month as we previously stated. We had a plan that may have allowed us to get there but in the end I made a decision that it should not be released since the product is just not ready. I realize this will be an unpopular decision for some but it will ultimately result in a better product once released.
Going forward we are going to take a new approach in communicating our NT7 development progress to the user community. Along with this note you will also see a link to “NT7 Features and Development Status” that outlines what we have been working on with NT7. We are targeting a beta release by the end of September followed by a several month beta phase which historically ranged between two to three months.
We are still extremely excited about this release and are working day and night to get it finished and into your hands. I respectfully ask for your ongoing patience as we continue work and my pledge to you is that I will provide frequent updates at the link below until released.
Raymond Deux
President & CEO
Quelle: NinjaTrader LLC